The Imperial Boarding Party – Week 3 (Building a Stormtrooper – Part 2)

So we’re into Week 3 of our FYP projects and this week I have been continuing on my Stormtrooper model. Unfortunately I do have to say that I wasn’t able to get as much done as I would’ve liked during the week but with an extra day I should be able to complete the final pieces I wanted done this week due to being a little busy over the week and needing to go to work this weekend.
So what did I manage to get done this week? Good question!

This week I managed to:

  • Complete the abdomen plate and cod piece of the trooper.
  • Adjust the torso, back and butt plates to accommodate the abdomen armour.
  • Model the straps that connect the front and back pieces of armour together.
  • Model a neck seal/gorget.
  • Fix the belt onto the Stormtrooper so that it bends around the waist instead of it being straight like the previous week.
  • Model shoes
  • Model the hand guards
  • Model all of the Stormtrooper’s arm armour (Shoulder bells, bicep and forearm)
  • Model the shin and calf armour

I still need to model the top section of the legs and the sniper guard for the left knee to complete the stuff I wanted done for this week, once they’re done though I can move onto creating the helmet.

Here’s some screenshots of the work I done this week, enjoy!

One thought on “The Imperial Boarding Party – Week 3 (Building a Stormtrooper – Part 2)”

  1. Hello Justin – Great progress on the Stormtrooper! Except for the minor tweaking of the armour you are on target! However I would recommend uploading pics which show the wireframe so that I can give direct feedback on your modelling. Otherwise the pics are not that informative. However you have shown strong progress so that’s more of a footnote than a criticism. As discussed for next week please move forward on the following:

    To Do List:
    *Finish Legs
    *Start Helmut
    *Tweak Gantt to reflect materials, skinning and rigging

    Hope this makes sense!….



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